thanks for all your feedback!
@Brian Smith - Absolutely true about "Sorry" - the vocals are pretty
weak. Maybe I'll re-record it one day, but there's others I want to do
before that. Ego is way out of my league (man, this track is so uber-
difficult in every way!), but I'll definitely do (at least) one track
from "The Big Picture" - "Long Way From Happiness" is definitely an
@JeffWeHo - Those detectors of yours are indeed right! My accent must
be "ze German" one, then...I'll pin down "Sixty Years On" for a more
accent-free rendition! My recording Equipment is rather low-budget (Mic
+Stand+Popkiller:~120$ , Mixer:~40$, StagePiano:~200$ , Piano Sound
Module:~350$), it's the software that is more pricy (Cubase 5,
EastWest Quantum Leap Symphonic Orchestra Gold)